Mar 12, 2010

Kravlende display

Dessverre er det bare et konsept utviklet av Julia Y. Tsao. Hun kaller det “Curious displays” og sier selv:

The project explores our relationship with devices and technology by examining the multi-dimensionality of communication and the complexity of social behavior and interaction. In its essence, the project functions as a piece of design fiction, considering the fluctuating nature of our present engagement with media technology and providing futurist imaginings of other ways of being.


Curious Display “blocks” are tangible and tactile. They occupy and move through physical space, and are thus subject to the same spatial rules and limitations faced by any other physical objects. These constraints lend themselves to potentially interesting outcomes in terms of interactivity and negotiation. An abundance of questions quickly begin to surface–how do they move? How do they behave? Does this movement and behavior begin to allude to the development of a type of personality? How does one communicate with them? Where do they go when you’re not using them? What role do they take on in our daily lives?

Spennende og veldig kreativt. Jeg liker spesielt hvordan uttrykket “out of the box” nå faktisk er 100% sant. Les alt om “Curious displays” på Julias blogg.


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