Nov 30, 2013

Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically

inFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in a tangible way. inFORM can also interact with the physical world around it, for example moving objects on the table’s surface. Remote participants in a video conference can be displayed physically, allowing for a strong sense of presence and the ability to interact physically at a distance. inFORM is a step toward our vision of Radical Atoms:

Tangible Media Group

Nov 12, 2013

Las Vegas street lights can record your conversations

Las Vegas is currently installing Intellistreet lights to their well-lit city. But Intellistreets are not just any street-lighting system.

The wireless, LED lighting, computer-operated lights are not only capable of illuminating streets, they can also play music, interact with pedestrians and are equipped with video screens, which can display police alerts, weather alerts and traffic information. The high tech lights can also stream live video of activity in the surrounding area.

But there's one major concern.These new street lights, being rolled out with the aid of government funding, are also capable of recording video and audio.

Mail Online

Nov 2, 2013

Augmented Reality to Inspire Creative Writing

I wanted to inspire my students to be creative and have fun with their learning. In years past I have always struggled to make my writing lessons fun and engaging, yet productive. This is year I decided to introduce writing with the help of my favorite tech tool: Augmented Reality! I gave the students a choice to pick one of the 10 different coloring pages from the app ColAR Mix, and use the image on the page as a prompt to write a creative story.

Two Guys and Some iPads

Jul 21, 2013

AIREAL creates haptic feedbak

Like most of the lab's experiments this has been in the works for awhile, and the chances of it being used outside of Disneyworld anytime soon are probably slim. AIREAL will be on display at SIGGRAPH in Anaheim from Sunday to Wednesday this week.

Disney Research's AIREAL creates haptic feedback out of thin air

Jun 4, 2013

VR-brillene lar deg leke med virkeligheten

En av de største Kickstarter-suksessene den siste tiden, VR-brillene Oculus Rift, har tatt publikum med storm. Vi har også fått muligheten til å prøve dem, og kan bekrefte at de virkelig har livets rett.

Nå seiler et nytt par høyteknologiske briller opp på Kickstarter-topplisten som enda en suksess-kandidat, men med en annen innfallssvinkel. Brillene heter Meta og baserer seg på såkalt «augmented reality»-teknologi, eller «utvidet virkelighet» som det heter på godt norsk.

Brillene, som altså er gjennomsiktige, setter brukeren i stand til å se både virkeligheten og projiserte virtuelle objekter samtidig. Man kan fritt flytte og manipulere de virtuelle objektene ved hjelp av finger- og håndbevegelser som snappes opp av et dybdekamera.
